More and more corporations want to do business in a socially sensible and fair way, by granting aid to underprivileged people in other parts of the world. Child Sponsor Programme invites Christian businessmen and women to co-operate in giving help to poor people in eastern Europe.
Structured help
In addition to monthly sponsor support Child Sponsor Programme has short and long term projects every year, aiming to provide structured help to needy children and families. We do this through school projects, employment projects, medical projects and housing projects.
Your support as a business person can consist of:
Personal visit
Because communism determined social life for decades, eastern Europeans often lack the spirit of enterprise. Contacts with the west however can be stimulating and encourage people to get going and persevere.
Direct donations to Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands
Attn: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan,
PO Box 2098, 2930 AB
Krimpen aan de Lek
Bank account numbers:
ING Bank: IBAN: NL51INGB0006990377
Rabobank: IBAN: NL82 RABO 0333 8113 72
Account name: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan, Capelle ad IJssel
Jaco van der Sterre
Peter Edelenbosch
(Supervisor Eastern Europe)
Cees Slings
(Field Funding)
Cobi van Sabben
(Financial supervisor)
OostEuropa Zending VZW /
Kinder Sponsor Plan 170
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)
Bank account number:
IBAN: BE57 4140 3536 6135
Account name:
OostEuropa Zending VZW Brussels